In a recent Social Media Today article (HERE) it was pointed out that more and more people are moving away from a desktop view of the internet to a mobile view on their smartphone or tablet.
“There are currently 2.6 billion smartphone users, and that number’s expected to grow to 6.1 billion by 2020. For reference, that equates to 1 smartphone user for every 1.2 people in the world by 2020.”-Social Media Today
What does that mean to you and your business? Well if you want to stay in business you need to think in a digital mobile-friendly world. Your website needs to be mobile optimized and tie into your social channels in a complete 360° world. If your web designer doesn’t think a mobile optimized site is a good idea, then get a new designer. Mobile is here and it’s not going away.
While you’re redeveloping look at the social integration. How can you start a sale on Facebook or Twitter and convert them on your now mobile-friendly site?
Don’t get left in the dust. Go Mobile!
As always the ideas expressed above are my own and I make no claims to the success or failure of implementing them. They are suggestions to make you think. Please vet all ideas against your business plan before implementing them.