OK, so the keeps on asking why we’re sponsoring all of these racers. And what do we really get from them anyway? They just cost us money!
While in some cases this is true, looking at your store sponsorship program as an asset, not a liability is the first step.
You need to look at all of these sponsorships, from the racer right down to the event or riding club as influencers in the market. You just need a plan to use them as such.
When you are hosting an open house or sale, get them to tweet, post, share the content. New products in the accessory department that appeal to that segment have these influencers share it as well.
Now, this is going to take a little work, but trust me the planning and background effort will pay off.
First of all, do you have a list in one place of all the racers you sponsor? One with their name, address, investment level, and their social media accounts? Well, you should. This pre-planning will make it much easier later when it comes time to ask them to promote your sale or event. Fortunately, it’s very easy to build and maintain this list. A simple Excel spreadsheet works the best, and here’s a version that I’ve used saved on Google Drive.
Once you have the list completed be sure to maintain it as riders come and go. It’s also beneficial for you to review the list and see if these influencers are following you. If not a simple communication asking them to do so would be appropriate. You want to build on this relationship, so when you do ask for their participation and support, it’s not viewed as intrusive.
Now when it comes time for you to promote an event or special, your reach has just amplified by the # of your influencers and their followers. Provide them the appropriate artwork and if you’re really feeling it, a time and date to post, then let them go for it. Spend a little time in the days following the post to determine the success and tweak as needed.
Record this information in your content calendar and use it as you plan other shows and events.
The follow-up information will be beneficial the next time the owner asks what we get from the sponsored riders.
As always the ideas expressed above are my own, and I make no claims to the success or failure of implementing them. They are suggestions to make you think. Please vet all ideas against your business plan before implementing them.