Helmet House and Shoei recently hosted an off site training for their local dealers in the New York/New Jersey area. (Read about it here) From what I could tell it looks like it was pretty well attended and knowing the rep in the area I know for sure the information was valuable and on point. But, I can’t help to wonder how many dealers didn’t take advantage of this valuable sales tool.
How many dealer principles or general managers are so short sighted to see these seminars as time away from work for their employees instead of the valuable asset they are? I’d be willing to bet a pretty good amount are.
Over my 25+ years of powersports business experience I have seen these types of events come and go, mostly because of a lack of dealer participation. The vendors or manufacturers spend the time and money to set up these seminar, invite the local dealer staff and then conduct a seminar for 4 or 5 dealers. It’s just not worth the effort.
With more information being available online your customer is better educated, dealership staff needs to as well. Spending time researching and learning about the products in your store needs to be a part of your weekly tasks. The same as cleaning helmets, restocking shelves or doing inventor, product knowledge and education need to be an included task.
So how many shops integrate training as an ongoing initiative? Do you attend off site seminars?
I’m curious to hear your views. Let me know.
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As always the ideas expressed above are my own and I make no claims to the success or failure of implementing them. They are suggestions to make you think. Please vet all ideas against your business plan before implementing them.