Friends stuff Friday – Volume 3 – Another friend from the moto business. This week’s edition is Dale Spangler. It’s strange for as many years as we were both in the powersports business we only met face-to-face for the first time a couple of years ago at a Tucker Show.
Dale was an accomplished racer back in the day but his real talent is producing copy and content for various powersports clients. He worked for many years at WPS and then Tucker but when the pandemic hit, his position was a victim of budget cuts at Tucker. Now he’s on his own with his company Buzz Media and he is producing great content.
More about Dale and his business can be found at – head on over and see if he can help you.
What is Friends Stuff Friday? Ok. Here’s the deal, I am fortunate to have some incredibly talented friends and acquaintances, and I got to thinking, how can I let the world know about them and what they do? That’s where this post comes in. Each week, I’ll gather up some of the cool stuff people I know have done or are involved with and post it here for everyone to see. If you like what they are doing, give them a follow, drop them a message, and let them know how cool what they are doing is. I have to admit, this isn’t an original idea, I did something on social media a long time ago, I just felt it was the right time to get it going again.