Do you attend trade shows? Why or Why Not?
This is something that I’ve questioned for the past couple of years. In my previous life as Parts and Accessory manager I always felt that education was the key to success and even more so now with my current job I see the real value in it. However, I feel that attendance is down each year as less and less dealers take the time to attend these events.
Gone are the good old days of the Cincinnati and Indy Dealer Expo’s but in their place smaller more regional shows have sprung up. Parts Unlimited Supershowcase events, distributor shows and what is now the big one the AIMExpo. But do you attend? And by you I mean the Parts and Accessory managers and staff, Service managers, etc not the dealer principle. Although it’s important for the boss to see what is going on, the lack of parts, accessory and service employees attending misses out on the greatest advantage to these show. Education.
I ran across this press release (Dealer Seminars Set For First Two Days At AIMExpo) the other day explaining the Dealer Seminars at the AIMExpo this October and it seems like they get it, but will dealers attend. That is where I’m curious. And will dealers from across the country take the time and money to do so?
So, are you going to AIMExpo? What about the seminars?
Please take this super quick survey and let me know.
AIMExpo Survey
If you are going, you can register HERE
*Update- AIMExpo Surpasses 300 Exhibitors.
Update – AIMExpo Dealer Seminar Schedule