For many racers the run to Loretta Lynn's was difficult, full of ups and downs, success and disappointment but now that it is behind you it's time to focus on finishing the season strong and work on …
MIC Launches Long-Term Initiative to Attract New Riders
Interesting news from the MIC as they recently announced an initiative to draw new riders to motorcycling. Over the last several years, the entire industry has been on a mission to try and increase …
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Supercross 2020 Schedule Announced
Earlier this month, Feld Entertainment announced the Monster Energy Supercross Schedule for 2020. With 17 rounds in 18 weeks, the series crosses the country with stops in 13 states along the way. Both …
Raceway Park Photos from 7/14/19
A great Sunday of racing took place at Raceway Park on 7/14/19. Lukaitis Photo was on hand for the event to capture the racing action and all of the images can be found at the link below. Lukaitis …
Raceway Park Youth Series Photos 7/13/19
Summer nights are for motocross the Saturday Night Lights Series at Raceway Park resumed on July 13th. Lukaitis Photo was on hand for the event to capture the racing action. All of the images can be …
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Influencer Marketing in Powersports Business
Back in 2017, I wrote an article for Powersports Business magazine about the rise of the micro-influencer. Here is a link to the original article. The Rise of the Micro-Influencer - Powersports …
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